Vounder Snapshot Rewards

Bolt and Skelly Vy holders will be receiving a large Stars reward, as a thank you for backing our project in its infancy. We have decided to set aside 25 million Stars for this distribution. Please recall, that Stars will be convertible 1-to-1 for our $VY token once generated.

Snapshot Detail

There were 4 total snapshots: 3/9 Bolt 3/13 Bolt 5/25 Bolt 7/13 Bolt and Skelly

Reward Calculation:

(6.25M tokens/total # Vy in snapshot) x (# VY you had in snapshot) = # Stars for that snapshot

See this document for the snapshot data and the estimated Stars each wallet will earn:

Vounder Snapshot Rewards

Rewards Distribution Date:

We’ll be distributing these Stars to Vounders at the conclusion of Season 1 P2E.